City Services
Milton Cemetery

Milton Cemetery
Welcome to The Milton Cemetery. This historic 8-acre perpetual care cemetery was established in 1882 originally as Edgewood Cemetery. Over the years as the Town of Milton grew into a city, additions were added such as the Milton Addition in 1901 and the Morning Sun additions in 1924 that were split into the Justice and Morning Sun sections respectfully. This Cemetery sits in the heart of Milton, elevated by natural land that makes it one of the highest points inside Milton City limits. Paved roadways create easy access to all sections of these scenic grounds that are maintained by The City of Milton.
If you have a family member or loved one in our cemetery, please consider being a contact for any issues relating to their perpetual care. All you need to do is fill out the attached form and email it to miltoncemetery@cityofmiltonwv.com or send a letter with the information to City Hall with attention to the Cemetery Department.
Please consider filling this information our even if you've done so previously!

For any questions regarding the Milton Cemetery, please contact our Cemetery Coordinator by phone, email, or letter.