City Services
Street Department
Street Department
The Milton Street Department works hard to maintain the Milton community, from lawn maintenance, tree trimming, and pouring sidewalks in the summer to taking care of the streets and sidewalks in the winter time, and to their tireless efforts installing our banners and Christmas lights during periods of inclement weather. Their team effort is very much appreciated.
Fall & Spring Cleanup
The City offers this free service to residents living within our corporate limits. The limit is 1 (one) pickup truck load per house. These cleanups are usually held in April and October. Keep a close eye on “The Miltonian” newsletter for the actual dates these will be held each year. This is for cleaning out the garage or attic, getting rid of that old chair or mattress you have replaced, etc. We will not take tires, car parts, batteries, appliances that contain gases of any kind, and paint. You can always call if you have questions on whether an item is acceptable.
Maintenance Garage
If you have a maintenance need or request contact the Director of Public Works at City Hall. He will place a work order for the request and get it on our schedule if it is in our scope of work. If not, he will direct you to those responsible for your request.